Welcome to my Wicked Writing Wench’s World.
Hi, I am Amber Joi Scott or the Wicked Writing Wench, born and raised in the South with a snarky attitude and kiss-my-ass mentality. Also, being born in the month of August, I embrace my Leo sign, letting my interior lion roar through my writing.
I live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley with my big, burly husband and our many fur babies. Raising my children to be polite, hardworking, young adults is and will always be my biggest accomplishment. When deciding on a pen name, I decided to dedicate all my writing to my children by using parts of their names as my pen name.
I am happy you have come by and seen what is happening with my projects. What will you see when you visit my website? There will be updates on my books, a look at future projects, teasers, upcoming events, and of course, HOT SEXY IMAGES.
Book Signings 2023

Book Signing at The Dragon Book Shop 08/19/2023, Staunton, VA
At the Dragon Book Shop signing books. It’s a beautiful day to buy a book. #thedragonbookshop @amberjoiscott #bookstoreromanceday
SaSS 23 ~ Norfolk VA
July 2023

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